Practical experiment

!~¤§¦The Notion of the Experiment¦§¤~!

The experiment Shows the harmful effects of fizzy drinks on calcium, which is inside the shell of the egg . And we can see this harmful effects by watching
 the changes that happen to the egg

!~¤§¦The Tools¦§¤~!

empty glass of water, fizzy drinks, egg

!~¤§¦The steps of the experiment¦§¤~!
  First:put the egg into the glass

second:fill it with any kind of fizzy drinks.

third:write the time of putting the egg
into the fizzy drinks .

fourth:check up the egg  every 2 hours
 and make notes.

Fifth: remove the egg from the fizzy
 drinks after 7 hours.

Sixth:take photos and make notes

!~¤§¦ The Timeline ¦§¤~! 

putting the egg into fizzy drinks at 12: 30 pm check up the egg at 2:30 pm and take photo check up the egg at 4:30 pm  and take photo finally remove the egg at 7:30 pm , make notes and take the finalist photo.

!~¤§¦ Notes ¦§¤~!

at 2:30 pm The shell of the egg turned from the colour white to the colour yellow

  at 4:30 pm The shell of the egg 
becomes more yellow and has brown lines and Occurrence of cracks in the shell of the egg

Shell of the egg from the inside

!~¤§¦The conclusion¦§¤~!

Fizzy drinks interacted with the calcium, which inside the shell of the egg and changed the color of the Shell