doctors' opinion

Dr. Gary Null
"Natural Living" radio show
Gary Null's Power Aging

"A study on the relationship between
caffeine and fertility found that
just one caffeinated soft drink per
day was associated with a reduced
monthly chance of conception of 50 percent."

James A May
United American Industries Inc.

"Absorption in primates is hastened
considerably if the methanol is
ingested as free methanol as it
occurs in soft drinks after the
decomposition of aspartame during
 storage or in other foods after being
heated. Regardless of whether the
aspartame-derived methanol exists in food
in its free form or still esterified to
phenylalanine, 10 percent of the
weight of aspartame intake of an
individual will be absorbed by the
bloodstream as methanol within
hours after consumption."

Marcia Zimmerman CN
The A.D.D. Nutrition Solution :
 A Drug-Free 30 Day Plan

"Sodium benzoate Sodium benzoate is
used as a preservative (microbial
control) in foods, including
soft drinks, fruit juices, margarine,
confections, pickles, and jams.
 Sodium preservatives add sodium to the diet
and reduce the availability of potassium.
 Some reported reactions to sodium
benzoate include recurring urticaria (rash),
asthma, and eczema."

Michael Murray ND
and Joseph Pizzorno ND
Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine,
 Revised Second Edition

"The allergenicity of penicillin in
 the general population is thought to be
at least ten percent. Nearly 25 percent
 of these individuals will display
hives, angioedema, or anaphylaxis
upon ingestion of penicillinS. hives and
anaphylactic symptoms have been
 traced to penicillin in milk,
soft drinks, and frozen dinners."

James A Howenstine M.D.
A Physician's Guide to Natural
 Health Products That Work

"In an interesting experiment
 the sugar from one soft drink was able to
damage the white blood cells' ability
 to ingest and kill gonococcal bacteria
for seven hours."

James Duke PhD
The Green Pharmacy : The Ultimate
Compendium Of Natural Remedies
 From The World's Foremost Authority
 On Healing Herbs

"And watch out for cola soft drinks, which are
 very high in bone-dissolving phosphorus."

Marion Nestle
Food Politics: How the Food
Industry Influences Nutrition
(see related ebook on nutrition) and Health
 (California Studies in Food and Culture)

"Soft drinks are the single greatest
 source of caffeine in children's
diets; a 12-ounce can of cola contains
about 45 milligrams but the amounts
in more potent soft drinks can exceed 100
 milligrams a level approaching
that found in coffee."

Samuel S. Epstein MD
The Safe Shopper's Bible : A Consumer's
 Guide to Nontoxic Household Products

"Saccharin is a 100-year-old non-
nutritive, non-caloric sweetening agents
its use has exploded over the last
twenty years as a staple of the diet food
and drink craze. Its major current
consumption is in diet pop by teenagers,
and not by diabetics and the obese.
The public now firmly believes that
foods containing saccharin are effective
 in weight control, and has been
persuaded by the soft drink industry
 (through the Calorie Control Council)
that these benefits outweigh any possible
 health risks."


Neal Barnard MD
Foods That Cause You to Lose Weight:
 The Negative Calorie Effect

"Another advantage of avoiding sodas
 is that you will avoid the caffeine
that is in many of them. Caffeine is
a weak diuretic that causes calcium
loss via the kidneys."

Ralph T Golan ND
Optimal Wellness

"Avoid processed foods and cola
soft drinks; their phosphates can also
cause calcium loss and excretion."


William Duffy
The doctor speaking in these dialogs is,
 Dr. McCay, the nutritionist at the
Naval Medical Research Institute.

"I was amazed to learn," he testified,
"that the beverage contained
substantial amounts of phosphoric acid
 . . . At the Naval Medical Research
Institute, we put human teeth in a cola
beverage and found they softened and
started to dissolve within a short periodS
The acidity of cola beverages ...
is about the same as vinegar. The sugar
content masks the acidity, and
children little realize they are drinking
 this strange mixture of phosphoric
acid, sugar, caffeine, coloring, and
flavoring matter."


Carol Simontacchi
The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children

"One liter of an aspartame-sweetened
beverage can produce about fifty-six
milligrams of methanol. When several
of these beverages are consumed in a
short period of time (one day, perhaps),
 as much as two hundred fifty
milligrams of methanol are dumped
into the bloodstream, or thirty-two times
the EPA limit."


Greg Critser
Fat Land : How Americans Became
 the Fattest People in the World

"A joint study by Harvard University
and Boston Children's Hospital
researchers in February 2001 concluded
that such excess liquid calories
inhibited the ability of older children
to compensate at mealtime, leading
to caloric imbalance and, in time, obesity